Monday, October 21, 2013

Babies... 4

The Bad:

That has got to be the darkest, most evil invention of all time: Baby on a leash.
I wont say any more on this topic.

As I thought about cages, jails, and leashes, I realized that there are a few things which are so absurd, I hadn't considered them as points of contemplation. Another topic which I find almost equally absurd, is the desire to move infant to his own room. What the fuck!?!?  Really? Most of the people who hold this opinion move their kids off around 6 months. But recently I discovered a new parent breed - parents who kick their kids to the curb first week. ... WOW... did you just read this and agreed with my point? but not the others in my rambling? Hm.... It's just a tactic some parenting books recommend. So as absurd as it may be, this is an advice some parents follow.

The Good:

On to the good things which actually benefit your kid instead of traumatizing:

Many months and my gramma mentioned some private kindergarten where kids are encouraged to eat with their hands. Best advice ever!!!

Not only does the kid WANT to play with the food, it help develop finer motion controls. There are tons of other benefits - kids get to play with various textures, get a taste for autonomy, provide feedback, etc...

Another interesting thing, is that kids understand very early on, that they cant reach things that fall. So the natural progression of dinner, is that items/foods which kid doesn't want fly off the tables.

The obvious minus is cleanup, and as the kid gets older, the ranger gets wider. As of the writing of this article we're at around 2 meters diameter from the chair.

Get a cordless vacuum :)

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